Monday, January 25, 2010

SuperBattle Crew Screening!

We had an awesome little party at Buddy System Studios to premiere SuperBattle Episode 1 for an intimate group of sixty or so crew, friends and supporters of the project. It was amazing to finally watch the episode with an audience and get their reactions afterwards. I got some really positive responses- only complaint, they want to see more! Well, it is just a first episode and I am really hoping a situation will present itself that will allow me to continue with the project.

Quick plug: Mini versions of the poster above are available here!

The little screening room we set up in the shop, with behind the scenes photos looping before the screening.

Posing with an amazing rice krispie treat and white chocolate sculpture of The Chemical Kid that was generously created by John Sumner. Artistic and tasty too!

I set up what remains of the puppets, props and set pieces for people to look at.

A few SuperBattle freebies!

My friends Jenny and Jon showed SuperSupport by coming to the party with a handmade Brawl Magnet magnet helmet! It was a hit!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

SuperBattle HD Trailer!

I just posted an HD version of the trailer on YouTube

SuperBattle HD Trailer

Sunday, January 10, 2010

SuperBattle Episode 1 is complete!

Wow- it has been a seriously long haul...many years using most of my spare time to bring it to life, and I am very proud to announce that the first episode of SuperBattle is done! I have put together a website to showcase the trailer and give some behind the scenes information.

I am also thrilled that SuperBattle Episode 1 has already been accepted to a couple of the festivals I applied to! Check out the websites for the Savannah International Animation Festival and SFF-rated: Athens International Sci-Fi & Fantasy Film Festival for details!