Wednesday, April 07, 2010

SuperBattle needs your help!

SuperBattle needs your help!  Less than a week to go!

The first episode of my stop-motion sci-fi series SuperBattle is playing in the First Glance Online Short Film Contest!  It will be competing against twenty other short films for distribution opportunities and a screening slot in the First Glance Festival in Philadelphia.  It will only be available to view from April 7th - May 18th.  During that time I need as many people as possible to cast a vote for my film and support independent stop-motion animation!

Please follow these steps to help SuperBattle win this contest!

1) Visit and create a user account. It is free and non-invasive. 
2) Click on the "Submissions" tab at the top of the screen and then locate SuperBattle in the thumbnail pages below.
3) Crank up the volume, watch SuperBattle and vote!   To vote, click on the stars under "Rate this video".  I need five stars!
4) Make sure to watch two other films and vote for them as well, or they won't count your SuperBattle vote.

Two important notes:

1) Depending on your computer and internet connection, the video can sometimes get choppy.  Please- press pause and let the entire movie load before watching it.  
2) VERY IMPORTANT!  You must watch and vote on three of the short films for your votes to count. 

Please pass this on to your friends, families and any animation fans you know!  I'm up against some popular films and need all the votes I can get.  SuperBattle is the only stop-motion film in the contest and I feel like it is a strong contender!

Thank you-
Director/Animator "SuperBattle : Episode 1"

Monday, April 05, 2010

SuperBattle to play at TromaDance!

I'm thrilled to be included in the official selections for TromaDance!  The festival plays April 16th and 17th at the Showroom theater in Asbury Park, New Jersey!  If all goes as planned actor Rocco George (the voice of the Chemical Kid) will be in attendance to represent SuperBattle!