Monday, March 24, 2008

SuperBattle Update!

I haven't posted any news lately but things are still moving ahead on SuperBattle. I moved the set and all my gear over to the garage studio of Miracle Baby Fims. The generous proprietor of this new studio is Matt Manning, who you will be hearing more about in future posts concerning his stopmo projects.

I have three more shots to complete on the current Brawl Magnet scene, which will put me at just over six minutes of finished footage.

In addition to shooting I finally had the opportunity to record the talented character actor Rocco George. I held out for two years just to get a chance to record him for the part of The Chemical Kid, and it was worth the wait!! Rocco did a great job and I can now move forward with the other scenes in the film.

Here's a shot of Rocco in the recording booth!